What Should You Name Your Brand?


Something I notice that trips people up (and tripped me up) when first starting a business is the actual name of it.

If you have thoughts of starting your own biz then you definitely know what I’m talking about.

One minute it hits you like a lighting bolt and you are sure you have found THE ONE [name]!…until 3 hours later, and you’re doubting your choice. AGAIN.

It’s like a never ending ping-pong game, ping-ponging around in your mind.

You waffle. Back and forth. Back and forth. Between your potential names wondering what the “right” one for your beloved new biz will be?! Here’s the thing…

There is no “right” one. You just need to pick one and roll with it. Test it out.

Practice saying it, telling people about it, and feeling the way it rolls off your tongue.
This alone will give you some clarity and essential feedback for yourself to gauge if you’re on the mark.

“Now I am NOT saying to give it no thought at all, it varies case-to-case, depending on the context & scope of your vision.”

One thing to think about with a namesake brand tho (your name) is that if you decide to sell it later then you are also selling rights to your own name.

Meh, kind of a big deal, but not really. I mean,…

If it did go that way you could always have a mid-life identity transformation and rename yourself ‘Mystic Magdalena’ while riding off into the sunset on a Harley…with your perfectly worn leather jacket, glittery spirit boots, and dolla’ dolla’ bills flying in your trail (from the successful brand you just freakin’ sold!?)

It really could be worse!?

Photo: @thisisveda

Photo: @thisisveda


For my last business I choose something in the middle between namesake brandname and madeup brandname,

Bouv Studios” was a Creative Branding Studio and the name was obviously derived from my last name (Bouvier) which I just shortened and made up a brand name from.

At the time that really helped me getting it moving actually. It gave me a degree of separation (from my own full name) and a needed perspective shift to looking at it as its own creation. Separate from my identity of ‘Lindsay Bouvier’ — it came down to a bit of a psych game with myself to be honest and I didn’t mind the sound and look of it.

So if any of my story resonates with you then maybe a brand name (or something there-of) vs. your actual name is the right fit for you to? It ultimately comes down to your choice and whatever feels true for you.

If you do choose to go with a brand name then definitely do consider some of these things:

1) Is it short(ish) & easy to say?

This isn’t a hard and fast rule, you can have longer brand names. But really consider if its actually needed and suits the brand. Shorter names can be easier for the human eye to consume and remember quickly, and with the short attention spans around these days thats a good thing! Also, from a design perspective, shorter names will have more impact at a smaller size vs. longer names that will have to shrink down more to fit in some instances. Think about where you will be applying your name/logo. Will it maintain visual impact on your instagram profile pic and shrunk down to fit the side of a pen?

2) Is the domain name available?

Once you do decide on a name you might be so pumped and just dive right in. (Good for you for finally deciding on a name btw!) BUT cool your jets hotrod, you need to check if the actual domain name is available first. Doing so can save you wasted time and money from realizing later its not available or is already trademarked.

3) Is the actual word attractive?

Any designers/creatives working on your brand in the future will thank you for considering this. It might sound weird and I know, kind of a matter of personal opinion, but we can all agree that their are some questionable words out their, conjuring up questionable things within? Also LOOK at the word, is it attractive to look at? Does it align with the overall message of the brand?

4) Do you have a your brands creative direction defined?

If you are getting really stuck and basically just keep spinning your wheels and getting no where, then it is most likely that you are putting the cart before the horse. I see this time and time again. People get so obsessed with nailing the “right” brand name BEFORE they even know what the overall creative direction is and WHAT they are even trying to communicate or be associated with. SO, if this is you I highly recommend that you PRESS PAUSE and step back to define what exactly that - your brand’s overall creative direction and communication plan.

If you don’t know what I am talking about and want some guidance thru this then pop your email in here and I’ll send you my 5-Step ‘Core Brand Essence’ process, which will walk you thru setting some initial creative direction for your brand.

Once you have some more clarity with this than a suitable brand name will become more obvious, as EVERYTHING will align back to it.

5) Is it limiting?

You might be stoked about your new biz idea but make sure you don’t limit yourself in the future with a name that is TOO specific. For Example: LostDayCushions.com is limiting compared to LostDay.com. WHY?… Because what if one day you get sick to death of cushions and want to sell other things?! Your brand isn’t really about what you sell. THINK BIGGER!

Ok, well I hope some of this chatter around brands names has helped.

Stop stressing about trying to pick the “right’” one and don’t let sneaky resistance get in the way of you taking action. Just start and you can adjust as you go! Your ego won’t like that advice but it’s true.

Your ego will convince you that you haven’t landed on the “right” one until you’re 85- years old and trying to pick the best metal option for your walker.

And “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”…

Photo: Sweet Mama Brown

Photo: Sweet Mama Brown


Good luck! And if you stuck on thinking of names dial a friend, and note 👉🏻there are 600,000+ words in the english language (and thats not even including made up words).

You got this! Trust your intuition cuz you already have all the answers you need within you!

Need help with trusting your intuition? Email me cuz I can help with that to ;)